David McNarry: Unionists are demanding removal of the disastrous internal UK border

David McNarry is a former Ulster Unionist and Ukip MLADavid McNarry is a former Ulster Unionist and Ukip MLA
David McNarry is a former Ulster Unionist and Ukip MLA
The message Peter Robinson sent to unionism in his News-Letter column could not be clearer (‘Unionists face choice of scrap sea border or keep Stormont,’ February 12).

(Link to Peter Robinson’s article below)

Robustly, and with a degree of frustration, he is saying, knuckle down and agree the next step beyond rejection of the Northern Ireland Protocol.

The widest possible cross section of unionism is demanding the removal of this disastrous protocol.

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They cannot be let down or misled in the drive to achieve such an objective.

Having registered a united front in calling for the removal of the protocol, the mood of ordinary unionists is not to allow the leaders to be dragged into a compromise — creating another version of the protocol.

Peter Robinson is correct in his assessment that there are always weak spots to be exploited against governments. This government, full of fudge and bluster, is no different. It must be challenged.

The next step is strategically crucial for unionists — to remove the protocol and restore Northern Ireland’s integrity within the UK.

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In the face of the protocol disaster only the two executive unionist parties have found common ground against it– not as some would misrepresent all five parties.

The most recent five-party common ground agreement was in the New Deal New approach Stormont agreement of last year, the out workings of which are in tatters.

The price of devolution on nationalist terms is a costly litany of concessions, such as an Irish language act.

Dithering is not a unionist strategy, nor is half heartedly throwing down the gauntlet to the prime minister.

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The unionist leaders have a duty to hold the prime minister over the fire for the protocol monster he has created.

The leaders are only free to do so when they are united in their determination to ensure that Boris Johnson be left in absolutely no doubt that unionist executive ministers will not in any circumstance implement the protocol.

Unionists will rally around leaders willing to take a firm stand on the principle of upholding the integrity of the unionist cause.

All it takes is for Arlene Foster and Steve Aiken to agree a unity of purpose.

David McNarry is a former Ulster Unionist and Ukip MLA

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